Data protection




1. General information

DOCADOM SA, a company with its registered office at Avenue Bergières, 1004 Lausanne, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is the owner of the “DOCADOM” application (also available on the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Application”) and provider of the services offered by this application: the “Application”) and provider of the services offered by this Application. The User is any person who accesses the DOCADOM application (hereinafter referred to as the “User”). These data protection declarations apply to both the DOCADOM application and the website.

DOCADOM SA is therefore responsible for the collection, processing and use of your data and ensures that its actions comply with Swiss law.

The protection of your personal data is of utmost importance to our Company.

We hereby inform you of the data that will be collected on our Application and how it will be used. You will also learn how to ensure that this information is correct and how to request the deletion of your data.

By using our Application, you expressly acknowledge that we may process your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Please note that this Data Protection Statement may be subject to periodic changes. We therefore recommend that you read this Data Protection Statement regularly to ensure that you are always aware of the most recent version.



2. Collection, Use and Processing of Personal, Medical and Computer Data


2.1 Personal and medical data

“Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable physical person as defined by Swiss data protection legislation.


“Data Processor”: the person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.

“Sub-processor”: the person who carries out data processing in accordance with instructions defining the essential parameters for data protection. They act under the authority of and on the instructions of the Data Processor.


Depending on the activities involved, the Company may act as a Processor or Sub-processor on behalf of the Doctors.

  1. The Company generally acts as a Processor of Personal Data collected in the course of usage of the Application. The Application will collect personal and medical data about you – in particular in the context of making an appointment, in order to be able to inform the Doctor, who will go to the place of appointment, about the case to be treated.


This may include:

– Your last name, first name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number, gender;

  • Your insurance number;
  • Your pathologies and symptoms;
  • Any sensitive data you may share.


Access to the Application may not be possible if you do not wish to provide the requested information


  1. The Company acts as a Sub-processor to the Doctors (who then act as Data Processors) with regard to Personal Data collected in the course of any consultation or follow-up with the Patient.

The Doctors will collect your personal and medical data – in particular in the context of booking an appointment and during the consultation – in order to be able to perform their services diligently as any competent professional in this field.

This may include:

  • Your last name, first name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number, gender;
  • Your insurance number;
  • Your medical and family history;
  • Your pathologies;
  • Your social environment and lifestyle; 
  • Any data or information necessary for the anamnesis in order to establish a diagnosis;
  • Your therapy plan and management;
  • Your medical record.


Whether the Company acts as a Data Processor or Sub-processor, it takes the necessary measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of the Personal Data that are held or processed, in compliance with the applicable legal regulations.

The Company may collect data and information and store it either in paper format or in electronic or computerized format, including on its Application.


This data and information will never (except in the case mentioned in the paragraph below) be transmitted to third parties not working in the medical field, except in the case of express agreement of its patients.

This data and information may only be transmitted to third parties outside the medical service for computer storage purposes (servers, computer companies etc.). These non-medical third parties will have to guarantee by separate agreement that this data will not be transmitted to third parties or stored outside Switzerland. In addition, such third parties shall undertake by separate agreement to take security measures to ensure optimal security and confidentiality of its data and information. The Company shall not be liable for any failure of its third parties. Any claims must be made directly against them, to the exclusion of any claims against the Company.


The following articles and provisions (from section 2.2 onwards) apply exclusively to electronic and navigation data, excluding medical and personal data.



2.2 Computer and navigation data

When the User visits the Application, certain information and navigation data are automatically recorded for system administration, statistical and security purposes.

This includes:

  • The name of the User’s Internet service provider;
  • The User’s IP address;
  • The version of the User’s browser software;
  • The operating system of the computer with which the User accessed the Website;
  • The date;
  • The time of day;
  • The website from which the User accessed the Website;  
  • The search terms that the User used to find the Website.


By logging in or registering as a User and entering your data on the Website, you agree that your data may be used in connection with the services offered.


2.3 Doctors’ Data:

The Company collects information such as first name, last name, telephone number, from the Doctors. This also allows to inform the Patient of the information about the Doctor who will perform the medical visit.


3. Use and reason for collecting personal data

The User’s data is collected and used so that the Company can provide the service as described in the Terms and Conditions. The Patient must be able to identify himself/herself and explain his/her symptoms on the Application, so that a Doctor can carry out a medical visit. The Doctor’s data is collected and processed by DOCADOM so that the Patient can find out which Doctor will visit him/her. 

As a responsible organization that respects your privacy, DOCADOM does not process User data in order to draw up a profile of the User via a profiling process. The Company does not make decisions with legal effects on Users based exclusively on automated processing (automated individual decision).

The Company may combine the User’s personal data with other information (aggregate it) or delete any identifying information (anonymize it), so that it is no longer considered Personal Data, in which case this Privacy Policy will no longer apply to such data and The Company may use it for purposes not provided for in this Policy (e.g., to perform anonymous statistics on the use of the Company’s Services).



4. Transmission of personal data:

Your personal data may be transferred to our partners (third parties) if this is necessary for the provision of the services offered by the Company or for other legitimate reasons. If we transfer your data to external providers, technical and organizational measures will be taken to ensure that such transmissions comply with the legal provisions on data protection. If you provide us with your personal data, we undertake not to use, process or transmit it beyond what is permitted by law or by your consent. For this reason, we only pass on your data to external suppliers if this is necessary for the processing of appointments or for storage purposes and if this meets the strict requirements of confidentiality and diligence. Beyond this, we will only transfer your data to third parties if we are legally obliged to do so or if we are ordered to do so by the authorities or the authorities’ courts.

The data may be passed on to the doctor who will visit you, in order to follow up on the appointment made on the Application. The Doctor obtains all the information relating to your situation, in order to be able to proceed with the medical consultation. The Doctor is solely responsible for processing your Personal Data in the context of a treatment or consultation, in accordance with the Data Protection Act. For more information on how the Doctor processes your Personal Data, please contact the Doctor directly.

In case of legal necessity, your data may be disclosed by the Company.



5. Transfer of data abroad

Users’ personal data is stored in Switzerland. 

User data is not made available to other countries, except under certain circumstances. Users’ Personal Data may be made available to recipients located abroad. Personal Data is only transferred abroad if the applicable legal requirements are met. Service providers abroad are obliged to observe data privacy to the same extent as the Company. 

If you transmit data to us, you are considered to consent to such data transfers. You can request further information by sending us an e-mail:



6. Data retention: 

The User’s data shall be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the performance of the service offered by DOCADOM. The duration may vary depending on the type of data concerned and the applicable legal requirements. 

Personal data are collected as part of the contractual relationship between DOCAOM and the User. This data is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, as long as a User’s account is active, and is then archived for the legal retention period.

Data collected on the basis of User consent is retained until the User revokes consent. 

Personal data collected for the Company’s legitimate interests (market research, legal purposes or to improve services,) is retained for as long as necessary to achieve those purposes.

The Company may also need to keep the User’s personal data for a longer period of time, if this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation (e.g. accounting rules or tax law), by order of an authority or in the context of a legal proceeding. Certain information relating in particular to the contractual relationship must be kept for at least 10 years and certain data relating to care services for at least 20 years.

The retention periods for personal data are determined solely by the Company in its capacity as Data Processor. In the case of processing carried out as a Sub-processor, the Company acts only on the instructions of the Processors and does not determine the retention period itself. If you have any questions about the duration of the storage of personal data for which DOCADOM acts as a Processor, you are advised to contact your Doctor, the Data Processor, directly. In view of the legal filing obligations for Healthcare Professionals, they may store Users’ Personal Data on their own tools for longer periods than those indicated above in order to ensure that Patients receive optimum medical follow-up and care.



7. Right of access, deletion and rectification

You can request information about the data we collect about you at any time (right of access). To do so, you need to send us a request for information together with a document confirming your identity by e-mail to the address given below.

You also have the right to request the deletion or correction of your data at any time. Of course, you also have the right to revoke your consent to the future use or processing of your personal data at any time. For these matters, please write to us by e-mail to the following address

Stored data that are no longer necessary to achieve the stated purpose will be deleted.

With regard to the deletion of data, it should be noted that we are subject to legal provisions that require certain data to be retained and are therefore obliged to comply with them. If you wish to delete data subject to this retention obligation, we will lock this data in our system and use it only in connection with the legal retention obligations. This data will be deleted after the end of the retention period in accordance with your request.


8. Data Security

We – or our third-party IT service providers – will keep your data secure and will therefore take all necessary measures to protect it from loss, unauthorized access, misuse or otherwise. Our employees and contractual partners who have access to your data are subject to a contractual obligation of confidentiality and must comply with the legal provisions on data protection. In some cases, it will be necessary for us to transmit your inquiries to our affiliated companies. In these cases, too, your data will be treated as strictly confidential. The Company cannot be held responsible for any breaches of duty by third-party service providers. Any claims must be made directly against them, to the exclusion of any claims against the Company.


9. Cookies

We use cookies to facilitate the use of our website.

Cookies are small files which, on DOCADOM, only contain information relating to your browsing preferences and in no case sensitive information.

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our website. The information contained in the cookies is used to improve your browsing experience on our website and to ensure optimum user comfort.

Cookies are automatically accepted by most navigators. You can prevent this by changing the settings. You can also delete all Cookies stored on your web navigator by deleting the temporary files.

By disabling cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of all the features available on our website

Cookies for tracking and audience measurement on the website: 

Cookies for analysis and audience measurement cookies are used on our website (, to improve our services and to guarantee you a pleasant experience.

The purpose of these cookies is to allow monitoring and analysis of the content available on our website and the ergonomics of the site.

These cookies are in no way intended to identify the people who visit the website and do not have this function. The sole purpose of these cookies is to generate traffic statistics. Thus, the cookies are not linked to the user’s account and the data collected is not cross-referenced with other personal data processing. 

It is possible to deactivate these cookies at any time by going to the cookie management page.

Services related to the Application :

  • Usage Analysis

We collect information about your activity on our services and how you use them (e.g., the date and time you logged in, the features you used, the clicks and pages you were presented with) as well as how you interact with other users, via Segment. Segment. Segment is a data aggregation tool that captures data about how users interact with the product. 

Usage data and other types of data indicated in the service’s privacy policy are processed. The place of processing is located in the United States.

– Monitoring of this Application

These types of services allow this Application to monitor the use and behavior of its components so that its performance, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting can be improved. What Personal Data will be processed depends on the characteristics and manner of implementation of these services, whose function is to filter the activities of this Application. DOCADOM uses Sentry for this purpose. Sentry is an error and crash monitoring service that helps discover, sort and prioritize errors in real time. Sentry processes various types of Data as indicated in the service’s privacy policy. The data is processed in the United States.

  • Push Notifications

This Application may send push notifications to the User to achieve the purposes presented in this Privacy Policy.
It is possible in most cases to opt-out of receiving push notifications by visiting the device settings, such as the notification settings for cell phones, and then changing those settings for this Application, for some, or for all apps on that particular device. User should be aware that disabling push notifications could have a negative effect on the use of this Application, especially when a medical consultation is requested.


The Application uses Wonderpush. Wonderpush is a service that has the function of sending push notifications to mobile applications and websites. Different types of Data indicated in the privacy policy of the service are processed.

Place of data processing is in France.

– Platform Services and Hosting

The purpose of these services is to host and run the key components of the Application, making it available from a unified platform. This type of platform provides DOCADOM with a wide range of tools: 

– e.g. analytics, user registration, comment publishing, database management, e-commerce, payment processing – that involve the collection and handling of Personal Data.

Some of these services operate through geographically dispersed servers, making it difficult to determine the actual location where Personal Data is stored.

DOCADOM makes its application available on the Apple App Store (Apple Inc.), a platform for the distribution of mobile applications provided by Apple Inc.
As a result of its distribution through this app store, Apple collects basic analyses and provides reporting functions enabling DOCADOM to view usage analysis data and measure the performance of this Application. Much of this information is processed on an opt-in basis.

Users may block this analysis functionality directly through their device settings through their device settings. More information on how to manage analytics settings can be found on this page. Usage data is processed. The place of processing is the United States. Data protection statement:  

DOCADOM is distributed on Google Play Store (Google Ireland Limited), a platform for the distribution of distribution of mobile applications, provided by Google Ireland Limited. As a result of its distribution through this app store, Google collects usage and diagnostic data and shares the aggregated information with information with DOCADOM. Much of this information is information is processed on an opt-in basis.

The User can block this analysis functionality directly through their device settings. Personal data processed: Usage data.
Place of processing: Ireland Privacy policy.



10. Changes

Any changes to this data protection declaration will be published on this application. This way, you can inform yourself about the stored data and how we collect and use them at any time. You can save or print the data protection statement here:


11. Contact

If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us at any time by e-mail at the following address :


Our team will be pleased to answer you!





Status as of December 13, 2022

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This solution benefits patients, hospitals, social insurance companies and the environment. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive the latest Docadom news related to the launch of the application.

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We are looking to expand and complete our team of tomorrow. Flexible working hours, self-employed status, attractive remuneration, innovative practice: find out more about the features and benefits of the job.

Contact / Appointment

For an emergency medical consultation at home, call us, write to us, or even better, download our app.